Simple. Fresh, Unique.
...and honestly fun.

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.7.3930.0 ; var selectModifier = "{ID:$.ID, V: $.V.Name}", CMSortDDLValue = '4', UseFilters = CBool(true), IsPaging = CBool('True'), NumProdsPerPage, PageNumber = ''; IsPaging=true; var eProductSort = { SortOrderProductID: 0, SortOrderProductName: 1, SortOrderProductPrice: 2, SortOrderProductPartNo: 3, SortOrderProductDefault: 4, SortOrderProdID: 5 }; var iterations; var eFilterCustomType = { Attribute: "Attribute", Property: "Property", Price: "Price", Brand: "Brand", Category:"Category" }; var _products, _productsFiltered, _modifiersLK, _priceBreaksLK, _productPropertyLK, _productPriceLK, _productFilters, _brandList, _shopID, _categoryID, _dsn; var _ajaxTimeout = 20000; _categoryID = 109;//local=287, remoto =94 var byBrand = []; var byPrice = []; var byAttribute = []; var byProperty = []; var byCategory = []; var FILTER_SAVE_ID = 'filter_88'; var FILTER_SAVE_PAGENUM = 'filter_88_PageNum'; var FILTER_SAVE_SORT_ID = 'filter_sort_88'; var FILTER_SAVE_PAGENUM = 'filter_88_PageNum'; var RESTHost = window.location.protocol + "//" +; String.prototype.PadLeft = function PadLeft(length, leadingChar) { if (leadingChar === undefined) leadingChar = "0"; return this.length < length ? (leadingChar + this).PadLeft(length, leadingChar) : this; }; var FilterChanged = false; var filterPriceTimer, priceKeypressTimer; function WebService(metodo, ok, params, type) { var started = new Date(); $.ajax({ type: (type ? type : "POST"), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", url: RESTHost + metodo, data: JSON.stringify(params), timeout: _ajaxTimeout, success: function (response, textStatus, jqXHR) { var dif = new Date() - started; ok(response, params); } }); } Array.prototype.sortNumber = function sortNumber() { return this.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }) } window.addEventListener('load', function () { PageNumber = 1; IsPaging = false NumProdsPerPage = 99999999; if (typeof dataTest === 'undefined') { UseFilters = true; IsPaging = true; LoadProductsWS(_categoryID); PageNumber = 1; } else { FilterCustomInit(dataTest); } }); function FilterCustomInit(data) { _products = data.Products; var maxprodstoshow = _products.length; if (_products.length == 0) { $("#productsResult").attr("class", "").html('

There are currently no products.
Please check back soon.

') } else { _modifiersLK = Enumerable.From(_products).SelectMany("$.Modifiers").Where("$.ID != null").ToLookup("$.Type").ToEnumerable().ToObject("$.Key()", "$.Select('$.ID').Distinct().Select('$').ToArray()") _brandList = ArrayDistinctSortInsensitive(Enumerable.From(_products).Select("$.Product.Brand.Name").Distinct().ToArray()); _productsFiltered = _products; _productFilters = data.Filters; for(var x=0;x<_productFilters.length;x++){ if(_productFilters[x].Type == "Category"){ _productFilters[x] = {"Name":_productFilters[x].Name, Type: "Category", ID:_productFilters[x].Name, "Cats": Enumerable.From(_productFilters[x].CategoryItems).Select(function(x){ return { "N": x.N, "V": x.ID, C:0, S:false} }).ToArray()}; } } _priceBreaksLK = data.PriceBreaks; _productPriceLK = Enumerable.From(_products).Select("$.Product").ToObject("$.ID", "$.Price"); _shopID = data.ShopID; _dsn = 'honestlymargocom'; var _lkPropNames = _productFilters.Where('$.Type=="Property"').ToObject("$.Property.ID", "$.Property.Name"); 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if(pf.Display){ for (var pi = 0; pi < _products.length; pi++) { var prod = _products[pi].Product; var b=false; var props = _products[pi].Properties; for (var p=0;p < props.length;p++){ var prop = props[p]; if(prop.ID.toString() == pf.Property.ID.toString()){ b=true; break; } } if(!b){ props.push({ID:pf.Property.ID, V:""}); } } } } } if (pf.Type == eFilterCustomType.Brand) { pf.Brands = Enumerable.From(_brandList).Select("{V:$}").ToArray(); } if (pf.Type == eFilterCustomType.Category) { pf.Display = Enumerable.From(pf.Cats).Where("$.V!='88'").Count()>0; } if (pf.Type == eFilterCustomType.Price) { var values = Enumerable.From(_products).Select("isNaN(parseFloat($.Product.FinalPrice))?0:parseFloat($.Product.FinalPrice)").Distinct().ToArray().sort(SortArrayNumber); if (values.length > 1) {} else { pf.Display = false; } } } _productFilters.Paging = 999999; PageNumber = 1; _productFilters.PageCurrent = PageNumber; DoFilter(); } } function SortArrayNumber(a, b) { return a - b; } function LoadProductsWS(catid) { WebService("/723/products/GetByCategory?catID=" + catid, function (data) { dataTest = data; 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